Groundbreaking approach to healthcare
Cell Energy Therapy (CET) is a non-invasive, side-effect-free therapy that not only addresses chronic conditions but also promotes long-term vitality and longevity by optimizing the body’s natural regenerative processes.
Reactivating the body’s functions to truly revitalize health
The CET treatment method is a laser method developed by Susanne Johansson, founded on the principle that the immune system and cellular energy are key to support a healthier and longer life. With over 40 years of research and development, CET offers a non-invasive, side-effect-free therapy that focuses on enhancing and strengthening cellular energy and immune system function. By using CE certified laser diods with multiple lasers – the body’s natural regenerative process activates. This makes it a treatment that not only promotes long-term vitality and longevity, but is also proven an effective treatment method for chronic conditions and more.
Restoring communication and balance at the cellular level
The human body, made up of around 30 trillion cells, depends on intricate cellular communication networks controlled by the brain. When illness, injury, or inflammation disrupts cellular communication, the body's natural healing response is weakened, preventing optimal recovery. Unlike conventional treatments, CET does not target symptoms but instead focuses on the root causes to empower the body to heal itself. It further empowers the body to maintain resilience against disease and aging, but also strengthens the body’s inherent ability to recover and regenerate.
The proprietary CET Technology & procedure
• It has shown significant results in managing various conditions, including neurological diseases, cancer, spinal injuries, and sports injuries
• It is a non-invasive treatment with no reported negative side effects
• Can reduce the side effects of traditional therapies, such as chemotherapy, and often enhances their effectiveness
• Patients frequently report increased energy levels, reduced symptoms, and a better overall sense of well-being
• Using patented devices emitting mix of multiple lasers. These lasers penetrate deep into the body, stimulating cellular activity and enhancing the immune response
• Restores proper communication between cells, which is essential for immune system functionality
• Interacts with oxygen in hemoglobin, boosting ATP production in the mitochondria to energize cells and accelerate healing
• NIR laser pulses stimulate stem cell production in the bone marrow, supporting repair and regeneration
• The therapy addresses the whole body, creating a cascading effect of improved cellular health, enhanced immunity, and reduced symptoms
Alzheimer’s Disease,
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS),
Huntington’s Disease,
Multiple Sclerosis (MS),
Parkinson’s Disease,
Spinal Cord Injuries
Breast Cancer,
Prostate Cancer,
Lung Cancer,
Liver Cancer,
Pancreatic Cancer
Sports Injuries (Athletes, including renowned skiers, tennis players, and football players) have benefited from CET to recover from injuries and enhance performance
• Sessions typically last 45-50 minutes
• London, Stockholm, or location per agreement
• The treatment is non-invasive, painless, and does not interact with medications
• Over 40 years of application, no adverse effects have been observed
CET does not promise to cure any disease and is not a substitute for medical treatments. Always consult a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment of diseases

Founder Story
Susanne Johansson, founder of CET, has devoted her career to advancing the intersection of science and wellness. Through pioneering light-based therapy, she provides a holistic solution that activates the body's natural repair mechanisms and optimizes its energy systems.
Susanne's journey began in the 1980s as a trailblazer in the beauty industry, where she started using cutting-edge techniques such as laser treatments and equipment like the Vacusac — used in hospitals to enhance circulation and oxygenation. Driven by a deeper desire to impact health and well-being, she became fascinated by the effects of light on the skin. Recognizing its therapeutic potential in triggering cellular renewal, she expanded her focus to explore applications in wound healing, eczema, and chronic conditions.
Her methods quickly gained recognition for delivering remarkable results, leading her to expand internationally. For many years, she operated a clinic on Harley Street in London, offering advanced treatments to a global clientele. Curt René Nicolin got recommendations of Susanne through Almi, and when he saw the impact and effect of Susanne’s work, he mentored and adviced her to apply for patent for her devices in the early 2000. Today, Johansson continues to refine her techniques, proving that innovative approaches can transform lives — even in the face of conditions once considered untreatable.
“Anything and everything is possible, we just have to look for the possibilities.”
- Susanne Johansson